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If you are feeling hot in asummerday and does not have an air conditioner for instance, that’s doesn’t matter. Now you can keep yourself cool in a hot day even without an air conditioner by following just this simple process.


1.Wet your wrists and other pulse points with cold water. Use a piece of ice wrapped in a face cloth, to continue after the coolness wears off. Constantly cooling off the wrists will also cool off the body. Never use just ice; make sure it is wrapped in a towel or something similar. Studies show that this will reduce your core body temperature by as much as 3 °F (1.5 ºC). The relief is almost immediate, and will last for up to one hour!

2.Use perspiration to cool the body down. Water vapor produced by sweating (avoid sweating too much) actually takes heat away from your body if it is exposed to air and allowed to evaporate. The best thing to do is to put your sweaty self in the path of a cool breeze or fan.

3.Wear a short sleeved shirt and put water on the sleeves. If there is a breeze or fan blowing on you, you can actually get cold. Use a squirt bottle, the sink or hose if outside to keep your sleeves wet. If you are outside and wearing long pants and you put water on your legs, the water will cool your legs.

Glass Of Water
Glass Of Water

4.Drink water,even if you are not thirsty!Youmustreplace fluids lost in perspiration to preventdehydration. Oral re-hydration may be accomplished by drinking an electrolyte-balanced beverage. The electrolytes help to make sure you don’t lose vital minerals through sweating. Adding ice will also help cool you off. Avoid lemonade, iced tea, and other sugary drinks (see the Tips below). Ice does not actually help you cool off if it is in water you will drink. Cool water does, but the colder the water the more energy your body spends making it body temperature so that it can use it.

Wide-Brimmed Hat
Wide-Brimmed Hat

5.Avoid direct sunlight. Stay in a shaded area if possible. Exposure to direct sunlight increases the heat index, so that your body may experience temperatures even higher than the air temperature! If you must go outdoors, go in the morning or evening. Wear clothes that cover up your body. A wide-brimmed hat is good. Light-weight, loose-fitting cotton clothing should be worn. It is better to wear a shirt with long sleeves and a collar to prevent any exposure. Some people (for example, Bedouins - In arid, low humidity climates) believe it is even best to wear 2 or more layers of clothes.

6.Go downstairs. Warm air is less dense than cool air so it tends up layered on top of the downward moving cooler air. If you’re in a house, for example, get lower than the roof. Make your way to the basement or lower level. It will be cooler there. Position a fan in an upstairs window to draw off heat collected in upper rooms--set it up so that it sucks air from indoors and pushes it outdoors.

Ceiling Fan
Ceiling Fan

7.Keep the air flowing. Turn on the ceiling fan or box fan in the room. Do not make a fan out of paper and use it to wave air past your face and neck. Contrary to popular belief, the activity created by waving actually burns calories and raises your core temperature.

8.Prepare your home against theheat. In the evening, open windows and use fans to create a cross-breeze, circulating cooler evening/night air through the rooms. As soon as the sun hits the building the next morning, close all windows, blinds, and curtains, and keep doors and windows closed throughout the day until it is cooler outside than it is inside. Then you can open everything up again and cool off to be prepared for the next day. Leaving kitchen cabinets open all night helps too; if you leave them closed, they store the heat and your house won’t cool off as much.

9.Turn off the stove or other sources of heat. Incandescent light bulbs also create heat. Turn off your lamps, as well as your computer.

Cooling Off In The Water
Cooling Off In The Water

10.Get wet! Take a cool shower or bath. Wet your hair. Fill a basin with water and sit with your feet in it. Go swimming in a pool. Use a wet cloth to keep your skin cool. Put a wet bandanna around your neck. Fill a spray bottle or squirt gun with water and spritz yourself. Run cool or cold tap water on the inside of your wrists. The water will cool down the blood flowing through your veins and arteries.

11.Run cold tap water over your wrists, right where you see the vein.

12.Go to a pool and just relax in water. This will cool you down instantly.

13.Eat less. Smaller meals with less protein will reduce metabolic heat. Whatever you do eat should be cool and not require heat to be prepared (e.g. salads, sandwiches, etc.)

14.Try a few minty products to cool your skin: slather on lotion with peppermint (avoid your face and eyes); shower with peppermint soap; use a minty foot soak. Mint refreshes the skin and leaves a nice cooling sensation.

15.Place wet towel on the back of your neck and also the top of one’s head. Athletic team doctors have used this for years!

16.Take a glass and fill it almost to the brim with ice cubes. Then hold it up to your mouth and blow gently into the cup. The ice causes the air you are blowing into the cup to cool down drastically, and since the air only has one way out of the cup (the hole which should now be aiming right at your face) the cold air is forced out over your skin. This is a great alternative to air conditioning and is very simple.

17.Try theyoga practiceof shitali pranayama. Sit down cross legged and take a few deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Roll your tongue into a tube with the tip outside the mouth. Continuing slow deep breath, breath in through the tube and then move your chin to your chest as you breath out through your nose. Do that 5-10 times and you should start to feel cooler. Dogs often use their tongues to cool themselves, perhaps this yoga practice comes from noticing that.

18.Take off your shoes or hat while indoors! Much of the body’s heat is released through the soles of the feet, the palms of the hands, and the scalp. Keeping these areas cool makes a surprising difference.

19.Eat spicy food. It’s not a coincidence that many people in hotter regions of the world eat spicy food. Spicy (hot to the taste) food increases perspiration which cools the body as it evaporates. It also can cause an endorphin rush that is quite pleasant and might make you forget about the heat.

20.Ball up and soak a t-shirt in the sink, wring it out, put it on and sit in a lawn chair (or other chair that lets air through to you) in front of a fan. Re-wet as it dries. Works over 110F.

21.Take ordinary rubbing alcohol and a wash-cloth and pour some alcohol onto the cloth and rub it onto your face, being careful not to get any in your mouth or eyes, and stand in front of or under moving air and the evaporating alcohol makes it feel around 30 degrees.

22.Go barefooted. Going barefooted will make your body cooler.Oh yes and drink a bottle of cold water.

Ice Stick
Ice Stick


  • Don’t forget that the human race lived for many, many years without air conditioning. Within the limits of your particular health situation, your body can adapt to the summer increase in temperature. Just become accustomed to the fact that you may have to alter your activities and schedule to ’beat the heat’.
  • Stock your freezer with flavored ice treats. Freeze a bag of chopped fruit such as watermelon or pineapple. Cooling down can be a tasty experience too!
  • If all else fails, go to the mall, library, church, movie theater or some other air-conditioned public building.
  • Females: Try a slightly wet tissue in the cleavage. It’s great at preventing that annoying drip down the front of your clothing.
  • Apply a thin layer of vanishing cream to your freshly washed, dried face. Whether or not you have acne, the vanishing cream helps to absorb facial perspiration and postpones the moment when your glasses slip down your nose!
  • Fill your bathtub with cool water. Once you are used to the temperature let some water out and refill with cold water. Keep doing this until you are sufficiently cold. Your body will stay cool for a long time after you get out.
  • Alcohol acts as a diuretic, which make you urinate more often than usual. This promotes further dehydration through water loss. Contrary to popular belief, caffeinated and sugary drinks can still promote good hydration, although not as effectively as pure water.
  • If your garage is under living areas of your home, leave your hot car outside to cool off before putting it in the garage.
  • Sweat includes both water and salt from your body. If you are sweating a lot, it is actually healthier to drink something with salt or other electrolytes in it to replenish the lost salt as well as the lost fluid. Gatorade or other sports drinks are good to use for this. Soda usually has high sodium content as well, but may contain the diuretic of caffeine, which won’t hydrate you as well.
  • Completely wet a synthetic or partially synthetic T-shirt in warm water and wear it (using warm water keeps the shirt from feeling shockingly cold when you first put it on). The synthetic will ensure no "wet T-shirt" look and the evaporation will keep you wonderfully cool for a couple of hours or more. This works even in public, as the shirt doesn’t look wet.
  • If your home has a basement and central air system, have an HVAC professional add a cold air return in the basement to pull the naturally cool air that falls down and recycle it into the rest of your home by simply setting your furnace to "fan" mode.
  • This low-fi air-conditioning technique actually works: 1) Place a medium-sized box-fan in a small window facing out. Seal up any remaining open areas in the window with cardboard. 2)Close every other window in your house except for one, left open just a crack... This will actually blow all of the stagnant hot air out of your house and significantly cool down the overall temperature.


  • While it is rarely a problem for individuals with good health, over-hydration is a possibility for individuals with heart, liver, or kidney problems. ( you have any serious health problems, be mindful of how much water you drink, as your kidneys may not be able to excrete an excessive amount of water properly.
  • If you experience symptoms of heat stroke or dehydration, call emergency personnel and seek professional assistance.
  • A body temperature above 104 °F (40 °C) is life-threatening and if it reaches 113 °F (45 °C) you are approaching sure death. Seek medical attention if you are unable to sweat!
  • Heat is often the uncomfortable companion of drought. If there are water restrictions in your area, make sure you consider them before implementing any of the water-intensive suggestions above. Failure to comply may get you a hefty fine, even jail time.

I do not force you to do all these, I am only making my suggestions and this is upto you that what steps you like to take and howmuch do you get benifit of it.

FODMAPs als behandeling van buikpijn, Gas, Diarree

Symptomen van gastro-intestinale aandoening buikpijn, opgeblazen gevoel, winderigheid, reflux, diarree en / of obstipatie. FODMAPs zijn een verzameling van kleine keten koolhydraten die slecht opneembaar zijn in het lichaam.

Vergisting van FODMAPs in de distale kleine en proximale dikke darm stimuleert dergelijke voorwaarden in de darm die leiden tot het vrijgeven van gas-, darm stimuleren permeabiliteit, een neiging factor voor de groei van de ziekte van Crohn.

FODMAPs zijn een groep van slecht geabsorbeerd korte keten koolhydraten in de voeding vanwege hun osmotische gevolgen (diffusie van moleculen door een semi-permeabel membraan totdat beide zijden evenwichtig), toename van fecale output na colectomie pouch en ileale vorming of ileorectale anastomose (IRA).

Vermijd de volgende FODMAPs voor een periode van ten minste 8 weken. Na 8 weken zal uw diëtist geven advies of om te beginnen met een van de FODMAP groepen.

Wat Foods moet worden beperkt?

  • Appels
  • Carambola,
  • Coconut cream / kokosmelk,
  • Gedroogd fruit (fruit veilig te beperken tot 1 eetlepel)
  • Fructose of glucose,
  • Vruchtensappen (zelfs behoefte aan veilige vruchten te beperken tot 1 / 3 glas sap),
  • Schat,
  • Honingmeloen,
  • Lychee,
  • Mandarijn
  • Mango
  • Nashi fruit
  • Peach,
  • Peren
  • star fruit
  • Fruit in blik in natuurlijke sappen (perensap),
  • Watermeloen

Hoog fructanen Foods
  • Artisjokken
  • Caro dranken,
  • Witloof Ecco,
  • Paardebloem Tea,
  • Fructooligo sacchariden (FOS) (kunstmatige vezels toegevoegd aan sommige voedingssupplementen)
  • Inuline (kunstmatige vezels toegevoegd aan producten, bijvoorbeeld Dairy Foods),
  • Prei
  • Ui - bruin,
  • Rogge (in grote hoeveelheden),
  • Sjalotten,
  • Spaans,
  • Lente,
  • Tarwe (in grote hoeveelheden),
  • Wit,
  • Zucchini
Foods met sorbitol
  • Appels
  • Abrikozen
  • Kunstmatige zoetstoffen: sorbitol,
  • Kunstmatig gezoete tandvlees,
  • Kersen,
  • Isomalt,
  • Lollies,
  • Mannitol
  • Munten,
  • Nectarines
  • Perziken
  • Peren
  • Pruimen
  • Xylitol,

Hoog raffinose Foods
  • Asperges
  • Bonen,
  • Brussel spruiten,
  • Kool
  • Groene bonen
  • Peulvruchten - kikkererwten,
  • Linzen
  • Red bruine bonen,

Effectiveness of Low FODMAP Diets

Fructose, fructans, sorbitol, raffinose
Gastrointestinal disorders can involve symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, wind, reflux, diarrhoea and/or constipation. FODMAPs are a group of short chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed. They are therefore fermented by intestinal bacteria releasing gas and leading to these symptoms. You have been advised to avoid the following FODMAPs for a period of at least 8 weeks after which time your dietitian will advise you whether to challenge any of the FODMAP groups.
What Foods Need to be Limited?
Honey, Apples, Pears, Mandarin, Peach, Mango, Watermelon, Honeydew melon, Lychee, Carambola, star fruit, Nashi fruit, Coconut cream/ coconut milk, Tinned fruit in natural juice (pear juice), Fructose or corn syrup, Fruit juice (even need to limit safe fruits to 1/3 glass of juice), Dried fruit (limit safe fruits to 1 tablespoon)
2. Foods with FRUCTANS
Wheat (in large amounts), Rye (in large amounts), Onion – brown, white, spring, spanish, shallots, Leeks, Artichokes, Zucchini, Chicory Ecco, Caro drinks, Dandelion Tea, Inulin (artificial fibre added to products, e.g. dairy foods), Fructooligo saccharides (FOS) (artificial fibre added to some nutritional supplements)
3. Foods with SORBITOL
Apricots, Peaches, Nectarines, Cherries, Plums, Apples, Pears, Artificially sweetened gums, mints, lollies, Artificial sweeteners: Sorbitol, Mannitol, Xylitol, Isomalt
4. Foods with RAFFINOSE
Cabbage, Brussel sprouts, Green beans, Asparagus, Legumes – chickpeas, lentils, red kidney beans, baked beans.

Dieet met Low FODMAP: Dit omvat Fructose, fructanen, sorbitol, raffinose.

Dieet met Low FODMAP: Dit omvat Fructose, fructanen, sorbitol, raffinose.

Symptomen van gastro-intestinale aandoening buikpijn, opgeblazen gevoel, winderigheid, reflux, diarree en / of obstipatie. FODMAPs zijn een verzameling van kleine keten koolhydraten die slecht opneembaar zijn in het lichaam. Vergisting van FODMAPs in het distale kleine en proximale dikke darm stimuleert dergelijke omstandigheden in de darm die leiden tot het vrijgeven van gas-, darm stimuleren permeabiliteit, een neiging factor voor de groei van de ziekte van Crohn.

FODMAPs zijn een groep van slecht geabsorbeerd korte-keten koolhydraten in de voeding vanwege hun osmotische gevolgen (diffusie van moleculen door een semi-permeabel membraan in evenwicht totdat beide zijden), toename van faecale output colectomie en ileale pouch vorming of ileorectale anastomose (IRA volgende) .

Abdominale problemen en oplosbare vezels

Click Here For English Version
The abdominal spasms including bowel dysfunction of IBS can be prevented by consuming soluble fiber as well as soluble fiber supplements.

Functie van oplosbare vezels is om vloeistoffen te absorberen in het spijsverteringskanaal door ze in slijm als smeermiddel die helpt in het verlichten van buikkrampen en voorkomt zowel diarree en obstipatie. Oplosbare vezels supplementen zijn gevonden gunstig IBS-patiënten tijdens een verschillende klinische studies.

Meestal oplosbare vezel supplementen worden soms ten onrechte aangeprezen als laxeermiddelen (Stimulerende middelen voor evacuatie van uitwerpselen), hoewel zij voorkomen of te verlichten constipatie door simpelweg normaliseren van de darm functies.

Oplosbare vezels verkregen uit beide bronnen, voedingsmiddelen en supplementen, zijn even goed.

Oplosbare vezels supplementen, verworven van zowel de voedingsmiddelen en supplementen bronnen, hebben geen schadelijke bijwerkingen indien genomen dagelijks. Verder als extra voordelen, zij: --
  • Beheer Irriterend Darm Syndroom.
  • Verlichten LDL, slechte cholesterolniveau in het bloed, verminderen het risico op hart-en vaatziekten
  • Minimaliseer darmkanker risico
  • Verbetering van de glycemische controle door vermindering van de snelheid van absorptie van vetten en koolhydraten in de bloedbaan en forestalls de ontwikkeling van vrije radicalen.
  • Lagere insulinebehoefte.
Deze supplementen zijn verkrijgbaar als poeders voor bereid door menging met water, of als kauwtabletten of caplets die worden ingeslikt met een glas water.

De dosering voor IBS, zowel door artsen en oplosbare vezel aanvulling fabrikanten, en werkt het beste voor het voorkomen van IBS-symptomen, is als volgt:
  • Volgens de USDA, de minimaal aanbevolen dosering voor volwassenen, met uitzondering van oplosbare vezels is 25 tot 35 gram per dag, en oplosbare vezel moet goed voor een derde tot de helft van dit totale bedrag. Sommige wetenschappers daadwerkelijk raden tot 60 gram vezels per dag, dus de USDA aanbevelingen zijn niet maximale dosering beperkingen. De typische Amerikaanse eet slechts een schamele 10-15 gram vezels per dag. Ter vergelijking, de gemiddelde inname van vezel in China is 33 gram vezels per dag, en het bereiken zo hoog als 77 gram per dag in sommige regio's.
  • Het USDA aanbevolen minimum vezel inname voor volwassenen is 25 tot 35 gram per dag, en oplosbare vezel moet rekening voor een derde tot de helft van dit totale bedrag. Sommige wetenschappers daadwerkelijk raden tot 60 gram vezels per dag, dus de USDA aanbevelingen zijn niet maximale dosering beperkingen. De typische Amerikaanse eet slechts een schamele 10-15 gram vezels per dag. Ter vergelijking, de gemiddelde inname van vezel in China is 33 gram vezels per dag, en het bereiken zo hoog als 77 gram per dag in sommige regio's.
  • Voor poeders vormige oplosbare vezels, initiële dosis is de helft of een niveau-theelepel, tweemaal per dag. Later tijdens de volgende twee, drie of vier weken deze hoeveelheid kan worden verhoogd tot 2-4 eetlepels, tweemaal per dag. Dit bedrag is gelijk aan ongeveer 12-25 gram oplosbare vezels toeslag per dag.
  • Voordat met de aanvulling, lees minimale en maximale doseringen die door de fabrikant op het etiket van het product.
  • Controleer ook het label voor sorbitol. Dit is een kunstmatige zoetstof en kan leiden tot krampen, opgeblazen gevoel, diarree, en gas bij mensen die niet eens IBS hebben.
  • Net als bij de vezel poeders, het doel met de vezel pillen is om gewoon blijven geleidelijk verhogen totdat u uw dosis te stabiliseren, en dan verder op dezelfde dosering.
  • Houd er rekening mee dat verschillende fabrikanten kunnen verschillende maximale doseringen op de etiketten. Neem contact op met het afzonderlijke product minimale en maximale dosering hij aanraadt. Het gewicht van oplosbare vezels per theelepel / eetlepel / pil dosis van de verschillende supplementen kan variëren.
  • Als u een probleem hebt met een enkele dosering, dan deelt u uw doses gedurende de hele dag volgens uw behoefte en keuze. Het is altijd beter om je darmen te houden voortdurend gevuld met oplosbare vezel, waardoor een aantal kleinere dosissen zijn vaak veel nuttiger dan een enkele grote dagelijkse dosis.

Doseringen en vezelgehalte voor gemeenschappelijke oplosbare vezel supplementen:
  • Heather's Tummy Fiber ™ Acacia Senegal levert 6 gram van de organische, prebiotische oplosbare vezel per niveau eetlepel dosis.
  • Benefiber poeder bevat 1,5 gram van het oplosbare vezel per theelepel (gelieve te noteren dat Benefiber vanaf juli 2006 is veranderd.)
  • Een eetlepel van Metamucil gladde textuur oranje en oorspronkelijke textuur oranje (deze zijn niet de suiker-vrije rassen) bevat 2 gram oplosbare vezels en 1 gram van onoplosbare vezels.
  • Een eetlepel Citrucel biedt 2 gram oplosbare vezels. (Let op: er is een terugroeping van Citrucel voor de zomer van 2006).
  • Twee Metamucil wafels verstrekken 2 gram oplosbare vezels en 1 gram onoplosbare vezels.
  • Twee Fibercon tabletten bevatten 1 gram oplosbare vezels.
  • Twee Equalactin tabletten bevatten 1 gram oplosbare vezels.
  • Twee FiberChoice tabletten bevatten 4 gram oplosbare vezels
  • Twee Citrucel bieden caplets 1 gram oplosbare vezels.

Lage FODMAP korte keten Diëten

English Version is Available Here

Gastro-intestinale aandoeningen kunnen betrekken symptomen zoals buikpijn, opgeblazen gevoel, winderigheid, reflux, diarree en / of obstipatie. FODMAPs zijn een groep van korte keten koolhydraten die slecht worden geabsorbeerd. Zij zijn dus vergist door darmbacteriën het vrijgeven van gas en die leiden tot deze symptomen. U heeft geadviseerd om te voorkomen dat de volgende FODMAPs voor een periode van ten minste 8 weken na die tijd uw diëtist zal u adviseren of voor een van de groepen FODMAP uitdaging.

Wat Foods moet worden beperkt?

1. Voedingsmiddelen met een overmaat FRUCTOSEGEHALTE

Honing, appelen, peren, Mandarijn, Peach, Mango, watermeloen, honingmeloen, Lychee, carambola, star fruit, Nashi fruit, Coconut cream / kokosmelk, fruit in blik in natuurlijke sappen (perensap), fructose of glucose, Vruchtensap (ook behoefte aan veilige vruchten te beperken tot 1 / 3 glas sap), gedroogde vruchten (veilige vruchten te beperken tot 1 eetlepel)

2. Voedingsmiddelen met fructanen

Tarwe (in grote hoeveelheden), Rogge (in grote hoeveelheden), Ui - bruin, wit, lente, spaans, sjalot, prei, artisjokken, courgette, witlof Ecco, Caro dranken, Paardebloem thee, inuline (kunstmatige vezels toegevoegd aan producten, bijvoorbeeld Dairy Foods), Fructooligo sacchariden (FOS) (kunstmatige vezels toegevoegd aan sommige voedingssupplementen)

3. Foods met sorbitol

Abrikozen, perziken, nectarines, kersen, pruimen, appels, peren, kunstmatig gezoete tandvlees, muntjes, lolly's, Kunstmatige zoetstoffen: sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, Isomalt

4. Voedingsmiddelen met raffinose

Kool, Brussel spruiten, groene bonen, asperges, peulvruchten - kikkererwten, linzen, rode bonen, gebakken bonen.

Lage FODMAP korte keten Diëten

Gastro-intestinale aandoeningen kunnen betrekken symptomen zoals buikpijn, opgeblazen gevoel, winderigheid, reflux, diarree en / of obstipatie. FODMAPs zijn een groep van korte keten koolhydraten die slecht worden geabsorbeerd. Zij zijn dus vergist door darmbacteriën het vrijgeven van gas en die leiden tot deze symptomen. U heeft geadviseerd om te voorkomen dat de volgende FODMAPs voor een periode van ten minste 8 weken na die tijd uw diëtist zal u adviseren of voor een van de groepen FODMAP uitdaging.

Wat Foods moet worden beperkt?

1. Voedingsmiddelen met een overmaat FRUCTOSEGEHALTE

Honing, appelen, peren, Mandarijn, Peach, Mango, watermeloen, honingmeloen, Lychee, carambola, star fruit, Nashi fruit, Coconut cream / kokosmelk, fruit in blik in natuurlijke sappen (perensap), fructose of glucose, Vruchtensap (ook behoefte aan veilige vruchten te beperken tot 1 / 3 glas sap), gedroogde vruchten (veilige vruchten te beperken tot 1 eetlepel)

2. Voedingsmiddelen met fructanen

Tarwe (in grote hoeveelheden), Rogge (in grote hoeveelheden), Ui - bruin, wit, lente, spaans, sjalot, prei, artisjokken, courgette, witlof Ecco, Caro dranken, Paardebloem thee, inuline (kunstmatige vezels toegevoegd aan producten, bijvoorbeeld Dairy Foods), Fructooligo sacchariden (FOS) (kunstmatige vezels toegevoegd aan sommige voedingssupplementen)

3. Foods met sorbitol

Abrikozen, perziken, nectarines, kersen, pruimen, appels, peren, kunstmatig gezoete tandvlees, muntjes, lolly's, Kunstmatige zoetstoffen: sorbitol, mannitol, xylitol, Isomalt

4. Voedingsmiddelen met raffinose

Kool, Brussel spruiten, groene bonen, asperges, peulvruchten - kikkererwten, linzen, rode bonen, gebakken bonen.

FODMAPs as Treatment of Abdominal Pain, Gas, Diarrhea

Symptoms of Gastrointestinal disorder include abdominal pain, bloating, wind, reflux, diarrhoea and/or constipation. FODMAPs are a collection of small chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbable in the body.

Fermentation of FODMAPs in the distal small and proximal large intestine stimulates such conditions in the bowel that lead to releasing gas, boost intestinal permeability, an inclination factor to growth of Crohn's disease.

FODMAPs are a group of poorly absorbed short-chain carbohydrates in the diet because of their osmotic consequences (diffusion of molecules through a semi-permeable membrane until both sides balanced), increase fecal output following colectomy and ileal pouch formation or ileorectal anastomosis (IRA).

Avoid the following FODMAPs for a period of at least 8 weeks. After 8 weeks your dietitian will give advice whether to start any of the FODMAP groups.

What Foods Need to be Limited?

  • Apples,
  • Carambola,
  • Coconut cream/ coconut milk,
  • Dried fruit (limit safe fruits to 1 tablespoon)
  • Fructose or corn syrup,
  • Fruit juice (even need to limit safe fruits to 1/3 glass of juice),
  • Honey,
  • Honeydew melon,
  • Lychee,
  • Mandarin,
  • Mango,
  • Nashi fruit,
  • Peach,
  • Pears,
  • star fruit,
  • Tinned fruit in natural juice (pear juice),
  • Watermelon


  • Artichokes,
  • Caro drinks,
  • Chicory Ecco,
  • Dandelion Tea,
  • Fructooligo saccharides (FOS) (artificial fibre added to some nutritional supplements)
  • Inulin (artificial fibre added to products, e.g. dairy foods),
  • Leeks,
  • Onion - brown,
  • Rye (in large amounts),
  • Shallots,
  • Spanish,
  • Spring,
  • Wheat (in large amounts),
  • White,
  • Zucchini,

Foods with SORBITOL
  • Apples,
  • Apricots,
  • Artificial sweeteners: Sorbitol,
  • Artificially sweetened gums,
  • Cherries,
  • Isomalt,
  • Lollies,
  • Mannitol,
  • mints,
  • Nectarines,
  • Peaches,
  • Pears,
  • Plums,
  • Xylitol,

  • Asparagus,
  • Baked beans,
  • Brussel sprouts,
  • Cabbage,
  • Green beans,
  • Legumes - chickpeas,
  • Lentils,
  • Red kidney beans,

Analysis of Soluble Fiber Supplements

The abdominal spasms including bowel dysfunction of IBS can be prevented by consuming soluble fiber as well as soluble fiber supplements.

Function of soluble fibers is to absorb liquids in the digestive tract by converting them into mucus like lubricant which helps in relieving abdominal cramps and prevents both diarrhea and constipation. Soluble fiber supplements have been found beneficial in IBS patients during a several clinical studies.

Usually soluble fiber supplements are sometimes wrongly advertised as laxatives (Stimulants for evacuation of feces), although they prevent or ease constipation by simply normalizing the bowel functions.

Soluble fibers obtained from both sources, foods and supplements, are equally good.

Soluble fiber supplements, acquired from both foods and supplements sources, have no harmful side effects if taken daily. Additionally as added benefits, they:-
  • Manage Irritating Bowel Syndrome.
  • Alleviate LDL, bad blood cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart disease
  • Minimize colon cancer risks
  • Improve glycemic control by diminishing the absorption speed of fats and carbohydrates into the bloodstream and forestalls the development of free radicals.
  • Lower insulin requirements.
These supplements are available as powders for prepared by mixing with water, or as chewable tablets or caplets that are swallowed with a glass of water.

The dosage for IBS, both by doctors and soluble fiber supplement manufacturers, and works best for preventing IBS symptom, is as follows:
  • According to USDA, the minimum recommended dosage for adults, other than soluble fiber, is 25 to 35 grams per day, and soluble fiber should account for one third to one half of this total amount. Some scientists actually recommend up to 60 grams of fiber a day, so the USDA recommendations are not maximum dosage limitations. The typical American eats only a meager 10-15 grams of fiber daily. For comparison, the average fiber intake in China is 33 grams of fiber a day, and it ranges as high as 77 grams per day in some regions.
  • The USDA recommended minimum fiber intake for adults is 25 to 35 grams daily, and soluble fiber should account for one third to one half of this total amount. Some scientists actually recommend up to 60 grams of fiber a day, so the USDA recommendations are not maximum dosage limitations. The typical American eats only a meager 10-15 grams of fiber daily. For comparison, the average fiber intake in China is 33 grams of fiber a day, and it ranges as high as 77 grams per day in some regions.
  • For powders shaped soluble fibers, initial dose is half or one level-teaspoon, twice a day. Later during the next one two, three or four weeks this quantity can be increased to 2-4 tablespoons, twice a day. This amount roughly equals to 12-25 grams of soluble fiber supplement per day.
  • Before starting any supplement, please read minimum and maximum dosages given by the manufacturer on label of the product.
  • Please also check the label for sorbitol. This is an artificial sweetener and may cause cramps, bloating, diarrhea, and gas in people who do not even have IBS.
  • As with the fiber powders, the goal with the fiber pills is to just keep gradually increasing your dose until you stabilize, and then continue the same dosage.
  • Please note that different manufacturers may have different maximum dosages on their labels. Check with the individual product minimum and maximum dosage they recommend. The grams of soluble fiber per teaspoon/tablespoon/pill dose of the different supplements may vary.
  • If you have any problem with a single dosage, then divide your doses throughout the day according to your need and choice. It is always better to keep your gut constantly filled up with soluble fiber, so several smaller doses are often much more helpful than a single large daily dose.

Dosages and fiber content for common soluble fiber supplements:
  • Heather's Tummy Fiber™ Acacia Senegal provides 6 grams of organic, prebiotic soluble fiber per level tablespoon dose.
  • Benefiber powder provides 1.5 grams of soluble fiber per teaspoon (please note that Benefiber has changed as of July 2006.)
  • One tablespoon of Metamucil smooth texture orange and original texture orange (these are not the sugar-free varieties) contains 2 grams of soluble fiber and 1 gram of insoluble fiber.
  • One tablespoon of Citrucel provides 2 grams of soluble fiber. (Please note there is a recall of Citrucel for the summer of 2006).
  • Two Metamucil wafers provide 2 grams soluble fiber and 1 gram insoluble fiber.
  • Two Fibercon tablets contain 1 gram soluble fiber.
  • Two Equalactin tablets contain 1 gram soluble fiber.
  • Two FiberChoice tablets contain 4 grams soluble fiber
  • Two Citrucel caplets provide 1 gram of soluble fiber.

Fructose, Fructans, Sorbitol, Raffinose

Diet with Low FODMAP: This includes Fructose, fructans, sorbitol, raffinose.

Symptoms of Gastrointestinal disorder include abdominal pain, bloating, wind, reflux, diarrhoea and/or constipation. FODMAPs are a collection of small chain carbohydrates that are poorly absorbable in the body. Fermentation of FODMAPs in the distal small and proximal large intestine stimulates such conditions in the bowel that lead to releasing gas, boost intestinal permeability, an inclination factor to growth of Crohn's disease. FODMAPs are a group of poorly absorbed short-chain carbohydrates in the diet because of their osmotic consequences (diffusion of molecules through a semi-permeable membrane until both sides balanced), increase fecal output following colectomy and ileal pouch formation or ileorectal anastomosis (IRA).